Welcome to the rapila playground
You have done it! You have set up your first rapila site. Good for you! Now go on and play.
Do you see the link to the admin area at the bottom left of this page? It most likely says “Translation missing: login”. Click on it and log in with the default user name “admin” and the default password “admin”.
You could now add the missing translation for the String “login” if you wished…
Clicking on “Photos” will give you a nice little photo gallery. The subpages for that page are automatically generated from the available image categories. Cool, isn’t it? And that with just a few lines of code. If you’re interested, just look at the file “CategorySubpagesFilterModule.php” in the directory “site/modules/filter/category_subpages” of your rapila installation.
Bigger modules often come in packages called “plugins” which can be downloaded from the rapila site. There are plugins for newsletter mailings, online journals or prowl notifications. You can even write your own plugins and start to distribute them. That’s the power of open source software.
Have fun!